Saturday, February 24, 2018

Rewards for Bottoming

There's nothing salacious about this post headline. Nothing at all.

Anyway, I washed out of the GDS3 competition in the multiple choice test, as expected. For fun, over at Goblin Artisans, I attempted the card design phase of the competition, which required you to make 10 cards for each color pairing, demanding various rarities and card types.

I ended up with blue and red at common, which screamed "instant" to me. It screamed that because there are soooo many blue/red instants and sorceries already. I wondered about doing something different with scry and came up with this.

While technically, scry could be in red, I decided that the mechanic of something happening if you put a card on the bottom of your deck felt very blue. I wonder how much design space there is there. I'd love to playtest this to see how much a player thinks about whether to put a card on the bottom so that he or she could deal damage.

And I was thinking about how the concept could fit in the Overgrowth set. I've been struggling with coming up with a solid blue legend (partly because I've been struggling with blue and white's identities in this set as a whole).

I genuinely cannot tell from looking at this whether she's overpowered or underpowered or just fine.

Edit: Days later I realize I put "deck" in the text of both spells instead of "library" like an idiot. Oy.

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