Thursday, December 28, 2017

White Anti-Mutate Angel

Since the mutate mechanic is not terribly parasitic design, I wanted to also make sure that what I put within the set to counter mutate at higher rarities was also useful outside the confines of the set itself.

So here's the set's mythic angel:

She essentially resets all creature with mutate. If they have any counters, the counters are gone. If they've got auras, the auras are gone. And per white's balance mandate, the same will hold true for Rashma's owner.

Flavorwise, that Rashma isn't of the more vengeful style of angel is relevant. As I've noted, white is trying to find ways to manage this seemingly uncontrollable growth, not completely purge it. The set will have one of its big creature removal instants in white, flavored in such a way to suggest that it's a measure of last resort that they implement with regret.

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