Thursday, January 4, 2018

Burgeoning Enchantments

After fiddling around with the turn-based Estevan alternate-win enchantment, I really started thinking that yes, a modal enchantment could work in this set and can be presented in such a way as to mechanize the uncontrollable growth concept.

Check out this uncommon blue enchantment.

So each upkeep you go down the list, and the effects get bigger and bigger each upkeep until the enchantment essentially pops like a balloon.

Balancing this is a bit of a challenge. How do you calculate the value of three essentially "free" effects that are balanced by the time delay. It's one of those enchantments that does nothing when it's played. It's really like combining a modal spell with the suspend mechanic.

It would have to be heavily playtested. I was actually trying to decide whether there should be a final reward when the enchantment pops. Or should there be a final penalty? It would have to depend on the power levels.

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