Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Common Overgrowth Removal

I'm showing the extent of my absence from Magic here. Likely the burn/removal category will have some reprints, but I'm not entirely knowledgeable enough to know the whole inventory of removal and what's already been designed in this space. Also, I am admittedly unsure on costing these spells.

Anyway, three commons.

Unconditional creature destroy for a decent price. But with a downside. Part of me feels like this spell already exists, but a card search in gatherer found nothing. Again, here I'm trying to hit the uncontrollable nature of zombification rather than the necromantic aspect. Killing off your opponent's creature doesn't inherently give you control of the zombie. There will be reanimation in black that doesn't have a downside, too. I think Ritual of the Returned could be a good reprint for the set (and a reave trigger).

This may feel undercosted given the power of the reave trigger, but remember that mutate is going to be fairly common in this set. When you target a mutate creature, it gets a +1/+1 counter before this spell resolves. So this spell naturally kills a smaller range of creatures than it might in another set. Without the reave trigger, this is more likely going to need to be combined with combat damage to truly kill.

Zirn will have a rebuke, too. It will be a counterspell. It also originally had spurn, but it no longer works with the new mechanic, and I'll need to rethink it. I'm not sure about the cost on this. I think it needs to be splashable for this set. This may be a case where I kill off the spurn and just run the reprint of the typical white "Destroy 4+" spell with a new name.

I have decided that there will be NO green instants with the fight mechanic as removal. It really, really seems to be distorting the limited environment. Ramp, big creatures, land searching, and creature-based removal is a whole lot. I see cases where early access to fight instants immediately pushes people into green. And with the mutate in green, it will be way too powerful (remember the fight mechanic targets the creature). I believe I will have one mid-sized green non-mutating creature with flash that has fight as a spurn-triggered mechanic. Probably at uncommon.

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